I got these ones from http://quantumbalancing.com
- Abraham-Hicks - If you seek prosperity, health, joy, and everything you have ever imagined life could be, this is the ONE website you should not miss.
- 911 Massive Database Pointing To Inside Job
- Air-Zone - The Best Line of Ozone Machines and Information
- Alex Chiu Eternal Life Miracle Magnets
- Alex Jones InfoWars - News (May be IAM*)
- Alex Jones PrisonPlanet News (May be IAM*)
- Alternative Doctor Radio - Professor Keith Scott-Mumby - Free Audio Health Archives...Amazing!
- Alternative Research Foundation
- American Association For Therapeutic Humor
- American Gulf War Veterans Association - (the probable cause of Gulf War Syndrome)
- Ancient and Sacred Geometry
- Apricot Seeds Order Online
- AquaVibe Water - The Absolute Best Bottled Water Available
- Aspartame/Diet Coke Toxicity Information
- Auto-Zap Zapper - The Rolls Royce of Parasite Zappers (The Best!)
- AzureStandard - Fantastic site for quality natural and bulk foods
- Bach Flower Remedies
- Bankhonesty (learn the truth about our corrupt banking system)
- Barium Blues (massive chemtrail resource)
- Barlean's - One of the best sources for Flax Oil with Lignans
- Bazaar of India - Home of the Miracle, Immune Boosting Herbs Guduchi and Shilajit
- BetterHealthGuy - Lyme and Health Resource Information
- Beyond Treason - Learn the true cause of Gulf War Illness - It Will Make You Cry - Shocking!
- Bio-Electric Devices - How To Construct and Build Your Own Instruments
- Black Box Voting - Ballot Tampering in the 21st Century
- Bob Dratch - A Fantastic Energy/Frequency Website by My Friend Bob Dratch
- Bolen Report - Daily Health Fraud News & Cures For Many Known Diseases - See This Site!
- Borderland Sciences
- Bottles, Supplies & Packaging Products
- Breatharianism - Explanation of an unusual lifestyle
- Brown Recluse Spider Bite Amazing Treatments - HERE and HERE
- Bruce Copen Radionic Research Labs
- Bruce Lipton, PhD - Uncovering the Biology of Belief
- C.C. Silver & Gold Inc. - Great Source of Silver and Gold Wire for Various Projects
- Calcium Time Bomb - The Nanobacteria Link to Cancer and Heart Disease (also HERE)
- CanCell Alternative Cancer Treatment
- Cancer Cover-Up (Cesium as a Cancer Therapy) - The Neal Deoul Story . . . Don't Miss This!
- Cancer Is a Fungus - A Revolution in the Therapy of Tumours!
- Cancer Salves - Herbal Cancer Treatments
- CancerTutor - Alternative Cancer Treatments Information Center
- Cansema - The Original Black Salve Skin Cancer Cream From Australia
- Cantron - The Most Amazing Antioxidant Substance On Earth
- Cayenne Company - Where Cayenne is King! Amazing Heart Food That Saves Lives!
- Cellercise - In my opinion, the best exercise and workout
- Celtic Sea Salt
- Centre for Implosion Research UK
- Charcoal Remedies - The REAL Super Natural Medicine!
- Chemtrail Busters - Orgone Products For Busting the Chemtrail Spraying
- Chemtrails & Contrails Cover-up
- Chemtrail Hall of Shame
- Cherry Juice (Tart) - Amazing Antioxidant Pain Reliever - Link 1 Link 2
- Chris Gupta's Amazing Health Resource Website - A Must Visit!
- Clinical Manuals To Make Your Own Tinctures by Michael Moore - also, another site HERE
- Cloak & Dagger Web Radio - Counter Propaganda Science
- Colonel Joe's Amazing Magic Bullet Discovery for Major Disease!
- Colorado Gold - Bullion Coins, News, Spot Prices, and Links
- Coral Castle - Ed Leedskalnin Left Behind the Code Revealing Natures Greatest Secret!
- Corporation Sole
- Creative Science & Research Fuelless Engine ---> Don't Miss This...The Real Item!
- Crop Circles
- CS Pro Colloidal Silver Systems
- Cure For Heart Disease
- Cure Zone Forum - Educating Instead of Medicating
- DANGEROUSMEDICINE.com - Real stories about the harm caused by conventional medicine
- David Icke - More News You Won't Find on FOX
- David Wolf's Peak Nutrition Archives - An amazing resource of audio and video archives!
avid-Wynn: Miller: (if you thought you knew the English language . . . a mindblower!)
- DCA - Another Amazing Non-Patentable Cancer Therapy
- Deliberate Dumbing Down Of America
- Depression2.tv - The 2nd Great Depression Will Not Be Televised
- Deprogram.info - Latest news regarding the Stanley Hilton RICO lawsuit confirming Bush involvement in the 911 operation
- Detox Smart Natural Cellular Defense - New Zeolite detox to remove killer toxins
- DMSO (Dimethyl Sulfoxide) Research Information Center
- Doctor Yourself - If you want something done right, do it yourself . . . including your HEALTH!
- DrNatura - The #1 Colon Cleanse and Body Detox Program
- Dr. Hulda Clark Research Association
- Dr. Lorraine Day Complete Cancer & Health Programs
- Dr. Ralph Moss Cancer Decisions
- Dr. Rath's World Health Alliance
- Dr. Richard Schulze Herbs
- Earthfiles - Linda Moulton Howe
- Educate Yourself
- EFT - The amazing healing tool that is sweeping the health care system - Amazing Results!
- Elemental Mysteries, Energy, Number and Frequency by Dr. Norman D. Livergood
- Enterprise Mission - Boldly going where someone has gone before
- Essiac Cancer Cure
- Explore Publications
- Exposing the Cancer Industry Fraud
- Eytons' Earth: Healing Clays of the World
- Fantastic Forum - The Most Interesting Forum In The World
- Free Press International
- Freedom Law School
- From The Wilderness Publications - The End Of Oil and the Drug War Cover-up
- Funeral Ripoffs - Don't die before reading this!
- Gary Null Natural Living - Start Your Healthy Lifestyle Here
- Gaston Naessens Research Lab
- Genesa Crystals - To purchase, visit the Self-Health and Awareness Center
- George Gordon's School Of Law
- Gerson Institute
- Ghost Gun UA175 - Exposing the 911 Hoax
- Golden Proportion and Golden Mean Gauge
- Grand Illusions - The coolest toy store on the net!
- Graviola - The cancer fighting tree from the Amazon
- GreatDreams.com - Incredible resource of fabulous information about many interesting topics
- Green8 Cell Phone Protection
- Grossan Hydro Pulse Sinus Irrigation System - Excellent Sinus Care System (or HERE)
Heart Disease and the American Heart Association - Medical Liars Do It For Money
- Heart Disease - The Cure: A Chronic Vitamin C Deficiency, Another Link HERE
- Heintzman Farms Dakota Golden Flax - Great source for highest quality golden flax seeds
- Herbal Healer Academy
- Hepatitis C Cure
- Heritage Store Edgar Cayce Products
- Himalayan Crystal Salt
- Hippocrates Health Institute
- Hog Wild Toys & Gifts (hard-to-find vortex drink mixers!)
- Holistic Healing Resources (Huge!)
- Hundred Year Lie! How Food and Medicine Are Destroying Your Health
- Information Clearing House News You Won't Hear On CNN
- INN World Report - Great News Source
- International Association For New Science
- International Home Remedies
- International UFO Congress
- ISAGENIX - The miracle weight loss and nutrition program. Nothing else like it! Try it and be amazed!
- It's For The Animals - Great book and resources to keep your pet healthy naturally!
- Jackblood - More News You Won't Find In Mainstream Media
- JFK Murder Solved - If you're interested in knowing who really did it, you can read the confession here
- John Of God - Miracle Man of Brazil
- Jupiter Water Super Ionizers
- KeelyNet
- KH Knowledge of Health by Bill Sardi - Exclusive Health Reports Found Nowhere Else
- LANDRIGHTS.COM - Know Your Land Rights
- Lechenya Meera Siberian Lichen
- Light House (Good source for food grade Hydrogen Peroxide)
- Lotus Ozone Sanitizing System
- Lyme Disease Book - The Best Book Dealing With Alternative Lyme Disease Treatments
- Mad Cowboy Cattle & Beef Industry Fraud
- Magnetizer Company Bio-Magnets
- Manuka Honey from New Zealand - Manuka Honey that has been researched for over 20 years by Dr. Molan at the Waikato University in New Zealand and found to naturally destroy staph, strep, as well as h. pylori, the bacteria believed to cause stomach ulcers.
- Marine Trace ionic Minerals for Making ORMUS
- Microwave Cooking Hazards
- Molo-Cure - Safe and effective Nutriceuticals for digestive disorders
- Monroe Institute
- MoonMovie.com - An Investigation Into the Authenticity of the Moon Landings
- MSM Information & Bulk Prices
- MSG - The Truth About This Hideous Poison (If MSG isn't harmful, why is it hidden?)
- MSGTruth.org - important independent research regarding the food additive Monosodium Glutamate.
- National Health Freedom - Protecting your healing and health care choices
- NationMaster...Interesting Facts About Our World
- Neil Slade's Amazing Brain Adventure (Don't Miss This Site!!!)
- NESARA The Reformation Act
- News With Views - Where Reality Shatters Illusion
- NewsTarget - Fantastic Natural Health and News Resource - The Best On the Web!
- No More Fake News
- Odatus - Ozone Machines For Air Purification and Removing Mold From Buildings
- Offshore Rx
- Oil Pulling - A Wonderful Therapy!
- Onco-Thermia - High Tech Cancer Therapy Only Available in Europe
Only Natural Pet Store
- Oral Chelation: If you have heart problems or believe the big Cholesterol lie, don't miss reading this great site of over 4000 pages and discover why the trolls lie to you for money, and what to do about it. Oral Chelation is one answer. It comes down to the old good minerals, toxic metal thing.
- OraMedia - Dental Self Sufficiency
- Pest Control - The Best Pest Control Without Poisoning Yourself
- Poly-MVA and the Suppressed Cancer Cure
- Purple Plates of Nikola Tesla
- Raw Family - Raw Food Support Website
- Raw Food
- Raw Food Diet by Alissa Cohen
- Raw Food Diet Made Easy - a Great Raw Food Website
- Red Elk - Excellent survival website
- Remote Viewing TRV
- Rense.com - Huge source of alternative news (May be IAM*)
- Rex Research - Amazing Resource of Unconventional Technologies!
- Rife Club - wave-touch in Orange County, Southern California
- Rife Information Forum - Europe
- RodinMath.com - Marko Rodin and the Secret of the Rodin Coil
- Royal Rife Technologies - Dr. James Bare D.C.
- Royal Rife Information Website
- Rumor Mill News - A Blockbuster
- Sacred Science Institute
- Saint Michael Center Man of Miracles by Father Rookey (Miracle Healing)
- Science News
- Scott Flansburg Math Magic Matrix Base 9 Math System!
- Serrapeptase - Amazing natural chelation and anti-inflammatory for humans and pets
- Share International - Maitreya: The Return of the "Teacher"
- SilverGen - A Great little CONSTANT CURRENT Colloidal Silver Generator
- Silverlon Bandages
- Skolnick's Reports Alternative News
- Slim Spurling Energy Tools
- S.O.L.F.A. Sound Therapy - Solfeggio Frequency Resources
- Snopes - Hottest Urban Legends
- Sound Sleeping - Mix your own relaxing music!
- Soy Health Dangers
- Splenda Exposed
- Stop Cancer - One of the best alternative cancer treatments websites!
- Strauss Heartdrops - The Original Herbal Formula for Heart Attack & Stroke Protection
- Subliminal Recordings - The Best Source for Making Your Own Subliminal Recordings
- Sugar Dangers
- Sunrise Farms - Superb Source for Many products Especially Gall and Kidney Stone Flush
- Surepure Chemetals - 99.99% Pure Gold and Silver Products for Colloidal Makers
- SupernaturalMinds.com - Home of the Greatest Minds in the World
- Synchronicity High-Tech Meditation
- Tart Cherry Juice - Highest Antioxidant Capacity
- TEDCURE - Newly discovered cure for Thyroid Eye Disease (TED)
- Teeter Creek Herbs - High Quality Organic Herbs and Tinctures Grown in the Ozarks
- Tesla Resources
- The Onion America's Finest News Source™
- The Antidote by Biological Miracle
- THE SECRET - Ground-Breaking Feature Length Movie will Change Your Life Forever
- The Spectrum Magazine
- They Fly! - The True Story of the Billy Meier Swiss UFO Case (Yes . . . It IS Real)
- ThinkTwice - Uncensored information about vaccines and how they effect our children
- Tom Bearden Website - Energy From The Vacuum - Concepts and Principles
- Tooth Health - Cure For Cavities!
- Total 911 Info - New Pentagon video shows no Boeing airliner
- Toxic Carpeting
- Toxic Vitamins - You Have Been Deceived!
- Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center - The Website of Gabriel Cousens
- True Food Network
- Urantia Book
- Urine Therapy (what goes around, comes around)
- Vac Trac - Tracking Vaccinations for Answers
- Vaccination Debate - Graphical Evidence Shows Vaccines Don't Work and Are Harmful
- WantToKnow.info - Revealing Major Cover-ups for the Good of All
- Vibrational Medicine Academy
- WakeUpLaughing - The Wonderful Website of Swami Beyondananda to Whom We Credit Much of Our Humor - Highly Recommended!
- WantToKnow.info - Reliable, Verifiable Information on Major Cover-Ups
- Warrior Matrix - The New Orgonite Warrior Class
- WaterCureInsider.com - Real stories about water as medicine
- Water Cure - May prevent about 75% of all health problems
- WaterOz Miracle Ionic Minerals
- Wayne Green Says . . .
- Web Archive - Find information regarding web sites that are now gone (works for some, not all)
- Web Elements - Great chemistry resource
- WebMD - Find Answers to Many Medical Questions
- WHALE - Exposing the Allopathic medical monopoly that has suppressed numerous non-Allopathic cancer therapies for over 100 years, along with the causes and cures for most other diseases, while covering up the ineffectiveness and danger of vaccination.
- What Does It Mean Alternative News
- What Really Happened News
- Wheat Grass Kits, Barley Grass Kits and Organic Seeds
- Where Is The Money? Draining a Trillion Dollars of Our Resources Every Year
- White Gold Web
- White Powder Gold ORMUS Resources by Barry Carter
- Wholesale Water Distillers
- Wilhelm Reich Orgone Resources
- Will Thomas - We are being sprayed with genetically created diseases geared for population control - watch the video here (Chemtrails)
- Willard Water
- Wizzers Workshop - Orgonite technology resources and products
- Wolfe Clinic - Canada's Premier Alternative Health Clinic
- World National Health Organization - Aspartame Poisoning Enormous Resource
- World Net Daily News
- World's Best Alternative Cancer Care Sites
- Worstpills.org - Independent Second Opinion for Prescription Drug Information
- Young Living Essential Oils (MLM) - This is the best source for medicinal grade frankincense oil as used by many researchers. If you sign up to purchase wholesale, please use Member Number 891943 as this helps us to assist more people. Thank you.
- Advanced Bio-Photon Analyzer ABPA A2
- Beck-Blood-Electrification
- Beck-N-Stuff
- Colloidal Silver 2
- Crock Device - The Lee Crock Energy Cleaner
- Doug Device - Build Your Own
- Energy Pulser
- Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2)
- Lifters (Anti-Gravity and Electro-Gravitic Model Experiments)
- Lyme-And-Rife (Excellent GB-4000 Resource)
- Lyme Strategies
- Magpulser
- Microelectricitygermkiller This group shows you how to build your own Beck Pulser! Don't Miss.
- Mr Tracys Corner
- Rife (Excellent GB-4000 Resource)
- Rife list
- Rife Uncensored
- Sick Buildings
- Silver Pets
Computer Related Links